Ashes to Ashes


Ashes to Ashes

Mankind is the dinosaur we rode to extinction

Selfies discover their vulgar pointlessness

The individual is an artifact

The apocalypse goes viral

Nothing is certain, nothing is inevitable, the tides may yet lead us to oblivion or to the reclamation of civilization and good will. It feels, doesn’t it, like the globe is in an 

in-between time; A feckless vortex arrangement that could at any moment very well unfold at some fascist yester year. Regardless how weary, we must let resistance use us. We must turn our bodies to the wind and manufacture a new dimensional uncategorizable freedom from the inside out. 

Forgiveness, the one we called / when Darwin’s 

childhood definitions had finally failed /The speed 

of light is reached at consciousness

Our enemies of justice, equality, and freedom of mind and body are more severe. Still a revolutionary tenderness must nurse these new forms of warfare into their mature existence. What if we really gave our lives over to the absolute loving trans universal force of ideas. Empathy and not hate is our only generative sustainable forcefield. 

History had too many reservations / Man’s greatest 

folly is to think / We all stars and non binaries  /

the proof of god is the proliferation of demons /

Natural selection is jargon / Creation is a much more 

beautiful word

The great pyramids of Giza / were built by 3D printers /

Even at singularity / the matrix cannot program itself

Science too will beg us for a metaphysics

Consciousness has always been our one great essential technology. In this sense the Universe has demonstrably gifted us with at least this one irreducible thing. It is here upon our return. We can make of it what we will. 

    God’s tag name is consciousness / Infinity is heaven 

and hell without borders / War on terror is a tautology / 

Most intelligence is bad / Quantum leaps jumped 

us / White supremacist are  granted no immunity /

for their apparent success in the preceding round

Ashes to ashes / Dust to democracy / Resistance is fertile

Ashes to ashes / Dust to democracy / Resistance is fertile

Irony is the divine principle / How else is consciousness 

remained? / Equal parts every where / Every where 

alien / Only our devolution will save us now  

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Ashes to Ashes

Mankind is the dinosaur we rode to extinction

Selfies discover their vulgar pointlessness

The individual is an artifact

The apocalypse goes viral

Nothing is certain, nothing is inevitable, the tides may yet lead us to oblivion or to the reclamation of civilization and good will. It feels, doesn’t it, like the globe is in an 

in-between time; A feckless vortex arrangement that could at any moment very well unfold at some fascist yester year. Regardless how weary, we must let resistance use us. We must turn our bodies to the wind and manufacture a new dimensional uncategorizable freedom from the inside out. 

Forgiveness, the one we called / when Darwin’s 

childhood definitions had finally failed /The speed 

of light is reached at consciousness

Our enemies of justice, equality, and freedom of mind and body are more severe. Still a revolutionary tenderness must nurse these new forms of warfare into their mature existence. What if we really gave our lives over to the absolute loving trans universal force of ideas. Empathy and not hate is our only generative sustainable forcefield. 

History had too many reservations / Man’s greatest 

folly is to think / We all stars and non binaries  /

the proof of god is the proliferation of demons /

Natural selection is jargon / Creation is a much more 

beautiful word

The great pyramids of Giza / were built by 3D printers /

Even at singularity / the matrix cannot program itself

Science too will beg us for a metaphysics

Consciousness has always been our one great essential technology. In this sense the Universe has demonstrably gifted us with at least this one irreducible thing. It is here upon our return. We can make of it what we will. 

    God’s tag name is consciousness / Infinity is heaven 

and hell without borders / War on terror is a tautology / 

Most intelligence is bad / Quantum leaps jumped 

us / White supremacist are  granted no immunity /

for their apparent success in the preceding round

Ashes to ashes / Dust to democracy / Resistance is fertile

Ashes to ashes / Dust to democracy / Resistance is fertile

Irony is the divine principle / How else is consciousness 

remained? / Equal parts every where / Every where 

alien / Only our devolution will save us now  

Ashes to Ashes

Mankind is the dinosaur we rode to extinction

Selfies discover their vulgar pointlessness

The individual is an artifact

The apocalypse goes viral

Nothing is certain, nothing is inevitable, the tides may yet lead us to oblivion or to the reclamation of civilization and good will. It feels, doesn’t it, like the globe is in an 

in-between time; A feckless vortex arrangement that could at any moment very well unfold at some fascist yester year. Regardless how weary, we must let resistance use us. We must turn our bodies to the wind and manufacture a new dimensional uncategorizable freedom from the inside out. 

Forgiveness, the one we called / when Darwin’s 

childhood definitions had finally failed /The speed 

of light is reached at consciousness

Our enemies of justice, equality, and freedom of mind and body are more severe. Still a revolutionary tenderness must nurse these new forms of warfare into their mature existence. What if we really gave our lives over to the absolute loving trans universal force of ideas. Empathy and not hate is our only generative sustainable forcefield. 

History had too many reservations / Man’s greatest 

folly is to think / We all stars and non binaries  /

the proof of god is the proliferation of demons /

Natural selection is jargon / Creation is a much more 

beautiful word

The great pyramids of Giza / were built by 3D printers /

Even at singularity / the matrix cannot program itself

Science too will beg us for a metaphysics

Consciousness has always been our one great essential technology. In this sense the Universe has demonstrably gifted us with at least this one irreducible thing. It is here upon our return. We can make of it what we will. 

    God’s tag name is consciousness / Infinity is heaven 

and hell without borders / War on terror is a tautology / 

Most intelligence is bad / Quantum leaps jumped 

us / White supremacist are  granted no immunity /

for their apparent success in the preceding round

Ashes to ashes / Dust to democracy / Resistance is fertile

Ashes to ashes / Dust to democracy / Resistance is fertile

Irony is the divine principle / How else is consciousness 

remained? / Equal parts every where / Every where 

alien / Only our devolution will save us now